System Administrator - Network Administrator - Professor
Higher School Professor since 2018
System Administrator since 2016
IT Trainer since 2011
Master of Science - Computer Engineering and Information Systems
Post Graduation - Cisco Networking
Licentiate degree - Computer Science
This work will be shown the advantages of tech-niques for a transition from IPv4 to IPv6 as an assessment of their advantages and disadvantages. According to IANA (Inter-net Assigned Numbers Authorithy) IPv4 addresses are almost exhausted, and the transition to IPv6 is the only solution to the continuing growth of the Internet. However IPv4 is not compatible with IPv6 but, still there are many IPv4 networks that use that protocol so, it is necessary create a transition method and both protocols work simultane-ously until there is the possibility of making a full transition to the IPv6 protocol. The transition will have to be done this way so that the network can communicate with both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. It is important to realize that this change will not happen overnight, and it's going to be a process that will take some time. Those who do not make this change in time in the future may have more costs because there will be no time to prepare a transition plan. The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is a complex process, since it involves a series of changes in the network structure with the use of new IP addresses. To do a successfully transition is nec-essary choose the most appropriate method of transition for the company or organization to make an efficient transition, focus-ing on IPv6 advantages.
In this work will be shown the techniques for transition from IPv4 to IPv6 and shown the threats associated with IPv6 and security challenges in the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. According to IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authorithy) IPv4 addresses are nearly exhausted, and the transition to IPv6 is the only solution for the continued growth of the Internet. However IPv4 is not compatible with IPv6, but there are still a lot of networks using IPv4 so it is necessary create transitional methods for protocols operating simultaneously until there is the possibility of a complete transition to the IPv6 protocol. The transition must be made in this way so the network can communicate with both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. It is important to realize that this change will not happen overnight and it will be a process that will take some time. Who does not make this change in time, in future probably will have more costs because there will be no time to prepare a transition plan. The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is a complex process, since it involves a series of changes in the network structure with the use of new IP address and new security threats will emerge beyond those already existing. To make this transition successfully is to choose the most appropriate method of transition for the company or organization, and involving the least impact on the safety level in order to make an effective transition, focusing on IPv6 advantages. As the security issues in IPv6 to IPv4 transition is still under study, there is still much to be explain.
These days many organizations are adopting SOA architectures (Service Oriented Architecture) to consume services form of Web Services. The purpose of the use of the SOA architecture is to allow the interconnection of applications that are implemented in different locations beyond the boundaries of the Organization in heterogeneous and distributed environments. This architecture can revolutionize the way that organizations compete, speeding up decision-making and take advantage of market opportunities. Based on the literature review, of this work discuss the main motivations and benefits of adoption of SOA architecture. This work describes the results of a survey which had as central study object-oriented software architecture (SOA), which identified the main motivations and benefits in adopting this architecture. Will also be addressed in this work, the types of services associated with the SOA as the reference model for SOA-OASIS. At the end of this work, a tool available from IBM organizations that streamlines the implementation of SOA-based projects such as the benefits in adopting an architecture of this type.
This work describes the deployment of the mobile pervasive augmented reality system for outdoor sports environ- ments. This prototype relies on heuristics that combine user preference indicators of technology adoption, sensing criteria, and volume of information criteria to provide real-time adapta- tion of the display without information overload, resulting in a better Quality of Experience for the end-user. Experiments show the performance evaluation for technology adoption in outdoor sporting environments, with real-time adaptation based on a developed algorithm. The findings show what and how much information must show to avoid information overload.
With the use of technologies, ‘cities’ are able to control everything from traffic lights to the distribution of water in the city, traffic, environment, social actions, health, education, urban planning, security, and public administration, are some of the main areas of activity. The implementation of technology also brings other concerns such as data security and vulnerability and the privacy of individuals. The evolution of intelligent transport systems (ITS) has been accelerated, multifaceted, and often based on the technological advances considered revolutionary for the Urban Mobility sector. Recently, the widespread use of ITS in the operation and management of urban mobility is part of everyday life. Numerous tools are now available for a variety of contexts and scales, with applications that directly impact both locally and globally. This dissertation seeks to analyze the security risk within smart cities. It addresses the theme of what are intelligent transport systems and what are the main solutions to ensure the safety of these systems. To this end, is performed an analysis and classification of ITS threats. With the help of the NS-3 network simulator to model, the ITS communications architecture and the Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) traffic simulator an urban road area scenario was generated. Finally, lessons learned and future research challenges to improve the security of ITS systems are presented.
BYOD is a new business trend where employees are using their own devices for work purposes. This phenomenon has created new challenges in information security. Thus, organizations should adapt information security corporate strategy in order to address this new reality. This paper tries to identify and explore the optimal way to do this rearrangement, evaluating BYOD environment and measuring all relevant factors.
Using Smart Data assists Internet services by providing support for user-specific customization. Smart data obtained via nonintrusive sensing is particularly relevant for services where there is the need to provide close-to-real-time feedback, as in Mobile Pervasive Augmented Reality Systems. Nowadays, fitness gadgets, smartphones, and other personal gadgets capture smart data, both regarding the environmental context and about the user’s patterns. While the possibility to capture such data brings in several advantages, it can also lead to information overload thus reducing the perceived Quality of Experience. This work focuses on the relevance of relying on contextual smart data for Mobile Augmented Reality Systems in outdoor sports environments. It provides an analysis of end-users’ preferences obtained via a survey carried out since 2019 to 2022 year. The results of this survey provide important clues as to what users consider to be relevant in Augmented Reality Systems applied in outdoor environments.
Cloud computing has elevated the reality of information systems to new boundaries, offering new paradigms such as storage and data processing flexibly. There is a growing tendency to use cloud environments for storage and data processing needs, however, the adoption of a cloud computing paradigm may have positive and negative effects on user data security. In recent years, there has been rapid progress in cloud computing, with the growing number of companies using cloud resources and the need to protect the data from various users. Some of the significant challenges cloud computing faces are ensuring, protecting, and processing the data. This work highlights the critical security issues in cloud computing environments, such as the advantages and disadvantages of a cloud environment, such as data protection strategies to ensure data security.
With the entry into a paradigm of distribution scarcity of IPv4 addresses the transition to IPv6 is the only solution for the continued growth of the Internet. However IPv4 is not compatible with IPv6 but, still there are many IPv4 networks that use that protocol so, it is necessary to use transition methods for both protocols to work simultaneously until a real possibility of making a full transition to IPv6 protocol. The transition will have to be done in this way, so that each application requiring network resources can communicate with both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. It is important to realize that this change will not happen overnight and it will be a process that will take some time and it will be necessary to evaluate several metrics before full transition, such as performance. This thesis aims to evaluate the performance using the metrics for the evaluation of quality of service (QoS) of IPv4 and IPv6 protocols within the Portuguese Research and Education Network (RCTS) through traffic injection on the network using the software of generation and measurement of traffic D-ITG. For this there were two experimental tests, where the traffic injection occurred at two different times (during working hours and after work hours) and simulated four scenarios simultaneously: transfer of UDP and TCP packets, VoIP and streaming audio and video. The evaluation parameters chosen were the amount of transferred packets, delay, jitter and packet loss. Some advantages of the IPv6 protocol in relation to IPv4 are also mentioned
Somos uma Empresa Jovem e Dinâmica, como muitas outras ! No entanto a nossa empresa tem um KnowHow acumulado de Vários Anos na área das Telecomunicações e Informática. Fornecemos Soluções para os problemas mais complicados. Ligamos Voz e Dados à distância a Alta Velocidade. Fornecemos Soluções para o Seu Negócio. Restaurante, Bar, Hotel, Supermercado ou Retalho em Geral, é Connosco!.
"PunkSinatra", a nova banda de João Pedro Almendra (ex "Peste e Sida",e ex "Ku de Judas") está em estúdio a gravar o seu 1ºÁlbum com o produtor António Côrte-Real (UHF).
História da Banda: Concertos, demo's, entradas e saídas, acabam na gravação do "Ataca Contrataca o Monstro Acordou!", em 2009. Em 2010, a banda regressa ao activo com uma mini-tour no distrito de Lisboa para apresentar o seu ...1º trabalho. Entre Outubro e Novembro de 2010, a banda grava a demo "À Socapa do Sistema". Pouco depois, em Janeiro de 2011, é gravado o primeiro vídeo oficial da banda. "Andas Por Aí" inclui filmagens em estúdio e ao vivo,e o som é também ele gravado ao vivo no espaço DI Box. Entretanto, com a saida do guitarrista Rodrigo Dias, a banda decide abrir audições, resolvendo incluir não um, mas dois novos guitarristas. Em Outubro, a banda termina as audições e acolhe dois novos membros: - Hugo Guilherme Santos (Guitarra Ritmo); - David Nolasco (Guitarra Solo).
Foi fundado o Hóquei Clube Os Tigres em 1959 onde um grupo de rapazes de Almeirim incentivados pelos feitos das gloriosas selecções nacionais da época, se dedicaram à prática do hóquei em patins. Fundaram um clube a que chamaram Hóquei Clube "Os Tigres" e utilizavam o ringue dos "Empregados do Comércio" em Santarém para a sua prática. Era desmotivador, para gente tão moça, ter que se deslocar a terra alheia., utilizando transportes públicos, para a prática da sua modalidade preferida. Por isso, ali mesma foi interrompida, mas o espírito manteve-se bem vivo e quando em 1977 a Câmara Municipal procedeu à construção de um ringue descoberto no parque desportivo municipal, ressurgiu, com carácter definitivo a ideia de fundar, oficialmente, o Hóquei Clube "Os Tigres " o que aconteceu em 29 de Junho de 1977.@2012
Empresa dedicada à formatação de ficheiros, nomeadamente da Suíte Oficce. O nosso principal objectivo é proporcionar aos nossos clientes um serviço de excelência, de alta qualidade e rapidez através de um custo reduzido...
O Treino é hoje em dia utilizado por cada vez mais pessoas, que procuram melhorar o seu rendimento desportivo, ou simplesmente, por todos aqueles que pretendam manter ou elevar a sua condição física. Sabemos das duvidas de muitos atletas que tentam planificar o seu Treino. O problema é que muitas vezes esse planeamento baseia-se num conhecimento sem rigor cientifico, o que pode levar a um processo de Treino que não produza o efeito desejado, podendo até, ter repercussões na própria saúde dos atletas a médio ou longo prazo. Conscientes desta situação sentimos que, pela nossa experiência académica e pelos muitos anos ligados ao Treino de rendimento, podemos através deste projecto satisfazer as necessidades de todos aqueles que pretendam realizar um processo de Treino, individualizado, planeado e orientado segundo os seus objectivos pessoais na modalidade.
Este é o Site "Wikinix" a ideia deste site será, dar a conhecer um pouco mais sobre os Sistemas Operativos Unix, passando pela observação e descrição de todas (ou quase todas) as distribuições..
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